Why this portal ?

This portal is dedicated to diversity in the spirit defined by the American researcher Steven Vertovec and his approach of  "superdiversity (Ethnic and Racial Studies, Taylor & Francis, Routledge, 2007).

Diversity is the frontside, the “luminous” side of discrimination which is its backside, its dark side.

Managing diversity is a way to fight against discrimination; both issues must be tackled at the same time.

The "superdiversity" portal is addressing leaders and decision-makers to support them in managing diversity and combating discrimination. It suggests:

1- a newsletter published since 2018 - available in French, English and Arabic

2- a selection of notions,  tackling all facets of diversity (gender, ethnic origin, religion, identity or sexual orientation, etc.) and situations of discrimination

3- the topics & thematics provide a better understanding of the content of diversity and the public policies & strategies implemented

4- the modules suggested by the training is intended to support a fair management of diversity and in particular to build strategies to fight discrimination to promote real equal opportunity

5- the resources are meant to illustrate the training - educational resources, video resources or weblogs (developed within the framework of projects on diversity - accessible on www.club-iriv.net)


Our methodological approach suggests:

1- the newsletter publishes twice a year comparative articles on different facets of diversity in countries having implemented different approaches (Netherlands, Greece, Switzerland, United States ...)

2- a series of selected definitions specify notions and concepts related to diversity

3- the thematics are meant to detail the content of a relevant diversity strategy  meant to enhance different facets such as

3.1 diversity & learning (formal, non-formal, informal)

3.2 diversity & gender (equality between men and women)

3.3 diversity & ethnic origin (equality of chances)

3.4 diversity & culture et religion (laïcité & religious freedom)

3.5 diversity & sexual identity (respect & recognition of all identities)

4- the training suggests strategies to enhance diversity while combating discrimination and inequal treatment. They can address one or more themes and take place over one day or several days. They are aimed at groups - heads of associations, local authorities (local elected officials or regional officials); public services (central administration or decentralized services), or companies (human resources managers)

4.1 building a diversity strategy

4.2 managing diversity in a private company (the diversity chartersl)

4.3 managing diversity in public services (strategic services such as the army, justice, police, and the intelligence service)

4.4 managing diversity in urban & rural territories (sensitive areas)

4.5 managing diversity in education: at school, at the University, lifelong learning

5- resources are various

5.1- educational resources - tools (such as portfolios, referentials...) & strategies (training programmes, guides, and any other mentoring)

5.2 video resources (designed in the framework of testing of European projects)

5.3 - weblogs (designed in the framework of projects on diversity)