Authors - Letter H

  • Bénédicte Halba

    Bénédicte Halba

    Bénédicte Halba holds a doctorate Economics (Université de Paris I Pänthéon Sorbonne, 1996). She is the founding president of the Institute for Research and Information on Volunteering (iriv). In 1997 she created the IRIV ; she is in charge of its studies, its training and consultancy and designs its websites. She is the chief of the electronic review “Les rives de l'iriv” (since 2004) and the Newsletter dedicated to Diversity (since 2018).  She has taught at the University in France and Europe. She was member of the board of several associations. She is a member of the Scientific Committee of the Swiss ECAP Foundation (since 2015) and of the Committee Associations of the Order of Chartered Accountants of Paris Ile de France (OEC, Ile de France) since 2017.