Report, tools, ...


  • ebook EducOpera

    While the factors leading to early school leaving vary from country to country (Recommendation on policies to reduce early school leaving, EC, 2011), the causes of ineffective policies can be boiled down to three typical deficiencies : 1. lack of a comprehensive strategy ; 2. lack of evidence-based policy-making ; 3. insufficient prevention and early intervention.

    Learning music enhances a cognitive, emotional, physical and social development of youngsters and is a main source of creativity. Musical education and more generally artistic education as soon as possible is most necessary for children to become adults open on the world, with the relevant knowledge and critical thinking for sharing values with the future generations (Suzana Kubik, France Musique, 2016). In an approach based on praxis, according to David J. Elliot, rhetorician in education and musician, education to music is more pragmatic than esthetic. Antti Juvonen states that « in the heart of pedagogy is the musical experience. Pupils are asked to play the instruments and to sing in order to better understand the music not as an abstraction, but through practice and sensations it reveals. Acting for feeling and understanding before learning a theoretical knowledge, this is the methodological principle». At school, education to music is part of compulsory education.

    Musical education tackles three main objectives : listening to music, playing and/or composing the music, building a musical and artistic education.

    Three main pedagogical actions are implemented: listening, playing and composing. In complement of the formal education, many extra-curricular activities are offered such as choirs in the framework of schools or outside schools with annual concerts to play the work done all the yearlong.
    Moreover, education to music combines much knowledge : history, literature, or sciences. Therefore it plays a specific role in transversal pedagogical strategies and multidisciplinary learning (such as history of arts). Many opportunities are offered to youngsters outside school to play the music: in association, in conservatories...

    Education to opera allows an opening of youngsters to artistic culture (most favored by Key competence 8) with a cultural practice which used to be a popular one. This pedagogical approach is a main asset for creativity (key competence 7) and therefore for a harmonious personal development. The opera involves disciplines such as music, drawing, sports, dance. Education to Opera may reveal hidden talents, it enhances a collective and team spirit, it improves culture and knowledge, it allows to acquire various competences, to master one’s body, concentration and breathing, it stimulates memory, it combines written and oral expression in mother tongue or a foreign language (key competence 1 & 2) , it develops the personality of the teenagers, it is a main asset for empowerment.

    This ebook is the final product of the EducOpera project. It is a Guide for professional trainers so that they will be able to explain the EducOpera approach to other teachers/educators working both inside and outside school in music education. The hope is that it would be efficient pedagogical support to combat early school leaving (ESL). The validity of the approach from the perspective of the final beneficiaries (students) takes the form of "learning to learn" and represents a way to conceive of personal development as a continuous dialogue between formal, non formal and informal learning.

    The resources and documentation freely available by iriv on its website are protected by copy rights (under the French Law of the Code of Intellectual property of the 1st of July). They are meant to a private use. A collective or commercial use is not allowed without the authorisation of our Insitute

    • iriv avec Opera de Massy
    • juillet 2019
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  • Manuel la créativité pour défendre la diversité

    In terms of diversity, Europe has played a key role on several levels. It has adopted a motto that promotes diversity within its "United in Diversity" - "in varietate concordia", which has become a cross-cutting (or horizontal) priority of the European Erasmus programme, such as equal opportunities and social inclusion. The Think Diverse! provides a basis for continuing education for adults accompanying young people (regardless of their profile) who work in multicultural environments, a key feature of modern societies. In western democracies, the notion of diversity is essential. Its respect is an indicator to measure the democratic level of a society. In the European Union, democratic principles (universalism, justice for all, equality, civil liberties, etc.) must be respected. The spirit of the Think Diverse project is to use creativity and creative skills as a human resources management tool, with a multidisciplinary approach combining economics, management, law, history, sociology, psychology. You have to be creative to avoid misinterpretations and hasty conclusions on a subject as sensitive as diversity while using your own difference (related to your profile, gender, sexual orientation, culture, religion...) to successfully integrate socially and to progress professionally. Creativity is the competence of the 21st century to be able to adapt to a future full of uncertainties - war, pandemic, climate disasters...


  • Tutorat JuCiVol pour les professionnels travaillant avec les jeunes (18-30 ans)

    The JuCiVol project is a European Erasmus + project (2016-2018) initiated by iriv conseil with the University of Burgos (Spain) in five European countries - Spain (leader), France (iriv conseil), Cyprus (INEK), Italy (ERIFO) and Slovenia (ZRC-SAZU). The tutoring for professionals working with young people (18-30 years old) living in sensitive urban areas is intended to explain to tutors / trainers how to value the skills acquired through volunteer engagement-with an emphasis on KC6-social skills & civic and KC7- sense of initiative and enterprise on the basis of the JuCiVol training to sensitize young people to volunteering to fight against radicalization and violent behavior and to promote European citizenship, fundamental rights and their exercise on field.

    The resources and documentation freely available by iriv on its website are protected by copy rights (under the French Law of the Code of Intellectual property of the 1st of July). They are meant to a private use. A collective or commercial use is not allowed without the authorisation of our Institute

    • iriv avec Univesrité de Burgos (UBU)
    • 01/12/2018
    • Bénédicte Halba
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  • Key Tutors- un outil et une méthode pour identifier et évaluer les compétences clés auprès d'apprenants éloignés de la formation et/ou de l'emploi

    The Key Tutors project has developed a tool for identifying and evaluating key skills to enable tutors / trainers working with learners far from employment and training to develop an innovative educational strategy for adult education. . By encouraging a skills-based approach, the project wanted to facilitate the transition of these learners to the world of education and ultimately to the labor market. It voluntarily fits into a local, rural and associative social and professional context. The innovation of the Key Tutors project is to build a tool and a generic method to be able to identify and assess key skills with adult learners from disadvantaged social and professional backgrounds or learners remote from employment. The originality of the project is to combine a simple or basic key skill with a complex or transversal key skill by referring to the European framework of reference "8 key skills" (European Commission, Brussels, 2006). This tool is a practical educational support for tutors / trainers which combines: a theoretical approach - by explaining the approach through competence - European framework of key competences; and a practical approach - which takes into account the social and professional environment of the learner profile considered - particular difficulties encountered) and which offers a simple and easily usable method of identification and assessment

    The resources and documentation freely available by iriv on its website are protected by copy rights (under the French Law of the Code of Intellectual property of the 1st of July). They are meant to a private use. A collective or commercial use is not allowed without the authorisation of our Institute

    • iriv avec Familles rurales Pays de Loire
    • septembre 2016
    • Bénédicte Halba
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  • Guide pour l’évaluation des apprentissages linguistiques

    This guide is intended for language teachers / trainers responsible for assessment tests and language programs to ensure that assessments are organized on a solid and secure basis. The rules are in line with the spirit of the European CEFR framework. The idea is to guide users to make appropriate decisions based on different assessment scenarios, with innovative approaches to language learning in the context of adult education. The European Framework of Reference for Languages ​​(CEFR) uses the term assessment in a particular sense - the acquisition of language skills, based on the performance of the learner and their analysis in a given professional context. A classic assessment also takes into account the quality of the course, the effectiveness of the teaching, and the teaching aids used. Any evaluation involves collecting data in order to make effective decisions (continuous testing or checks on knowledge, informal observations, etc.). The assessment has evolved. It is no longer only summative (examination at the end of a training cycle). Even if the fashions have changed, the principles remain. European countries have formalized language levels required to live and work for migrants. There are two types of assessment: informal and formal. Informal assessments arise from spontaneous, day-to-day observations of teachers on how their students respond and how they perform in the classroom or at work; it makes it possible to better identify learners' misunderstandings and capacities. The formal assessment is prepared in a systematic way by the teacher to validate what the students have learned, like the majority of the assessment tests. The European Language Portfolio (Council of Europe) stresses the importance of independent language learning to support individuals to become aware of their abilities and to develop the language skills they need to live and work in a foreign country

    The resources and documentation freely available by iriv on its website are protected by copy rights (under the French Law of the Code of Intellectual property of the 1st of July). They are meant to a private use. A collective or commercial use is not allowed without the authorisation of our Institute

    • Arbeit und Lebe & CVC (Université pour étrangers de Perouse), iriv
    • mars 2016
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  • Guide pour construire un cours de formation linguistique intégrant l’approche formation professionnelle

    This guide specifies the links between language learning and continuing education. It includes: general framework indications and methods & tools to be used:

    1- General principles underlying the model - learner expectations, interconnection between language learning and work experience, definition of acquired knowledge and combination with professional tasks and acquisition of a qualification, etc.

    2- Resources and needs - analysis of prior experience, learner resources and training needs; analysis of real professional situations (communication scenarios), conditions required for a qualification (describe a work process, demonstrate mastery of the knowledge and skills mobilized).

    3- Training plan - communication and language learning approach, use of "I know how to do" (basic skills), descriptors, definition of acquired knowledge, inductive approach to consolidate mastery of grammar

    4- Access to training, awareness and motivation- Valuation and validation of acquired experience, culture of self-assessment or peer assessment, "empowerment" of learners, development of intercultural sensitivity

    5- Management of the learning process- Learning by doing (language in action, performance and attitudes of learners) and by qualifying (language as a means of learning and becoming aware of one's professional skills), consolidation of one's achievements (glossary , grammar, comprehension, ability & aptitude), interactive learning, use of ICT,

    6- Assessment of learning - Standards and conditions for certification and access to education & training, ex-ante, progress (formative approach) and final assessment (summative approach), syllabus and rules for exams, criteria and indicators for linguistic assessments (validity, reliability and use of the assessment, assessment of communicative skills close to reality)

    The resources and documentation freely available by iriv on its website are protected by copy rights (under the French Law of the Code of Intellectual property of the 1st of July). They are meant to a private use. A collective or commercial use is not allowed without the authorisation of our Institute

  • Guide pour la Formation Di&Di- Promouvoir la diversité et Lutter contre la Discrimination

    Guide for the Di&Di training- Enhancing Diversity and Struggling against Discrimination. Designed by iriv conseil on the theoretical offered by iriv conseil (July 2014) after it was experimented in France , Bulgaria, Germany, Italy and United Kingdom (2015).

    The resources and documentation freely available by iriv on its website are protected by copy rights (under the French Law of the Code of Intellectual property of the 1st of July). They are meant to a private use. A collective or commercial use is not allowed without the authorisation of our Institute

    • iriv avec ENDA Europe
    • mars 2015
    • Bénédicte Halba
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  • Guide SAS- Réussir à l'école grâce au bénévolat

    School failure is a major cause of social and professional exclusion among youngsters. It is seldom to meet youngsters who would be totally opposed to school. Most of the time they are most stressed by school system because they haven’t found their place. Another way would be to propose youngsters leaving in deprived area (“jeunes des quartiers” in French) an alternative pedagogical approach based on a positive experience acquired outside school. A voluntary experience enables to acquire and/or develop skills and competences that could be most useful for pupils faced to difficulties and sometimes show them the road back to school. Volunteering is part of non formal and informal learning enhanced by the Copenhagen process. Among an association, youngsters apply theoretical knowledge learned at school, enrich their social network, acquire or develop skills and competences, exchange good practices in learning.

    The main aim of the Comenius project « Success at School through Volunteering » would be to propose youngsters leaving in difficult areas a pedagogical approach to enhance a voluntary involvement to succeed at school. The SAS project would propose pedagogical sessions to youngsters around topics allowing them to value learning, to build a path with school between knowledge acquired through volunteering and knowledge required at school. These sessions would be supported by a pedagogical mentoring in order for pupils to be aware of their potential, to value the non-formal and informal learning and find a way back to school.

    The resources and documentation freely available by iriv on its website are protected by copy rights (under the French Law of the Code of Intellectual property of the 1st of July). They are meant to a private use. A collective or commercial use is not allowed without the authorisation of our Institute

    • iriv avec Université de Northampton
    • mars 2014
    • Bénédicte Halba
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  • Guide Valbuk- L'approche par la compétence pour des publics peu qualifiés- l'exemple du secteur de la propreté

    The project aims at implementing and using ECVET principles in order to facilitate access to lifelong learning and qualifications of migrant workers, paying hard difficulties in let their competences and skills be recognized for lifelong learning purposes and for moving in the job market. The project will address a specific and emblematic sector – defined by the occupations included in the area of cleaning services (“Hauswirschaft” as well as industrial services, or “Gebaude Reinigung”) – in which more open and flexible procedures allowing the recognition of prior learning are already foreseen, but currently not yet implemented, and in which many not qualified migrants (especially women) actually work.

    The operational aims of the project are: to adopt a VQTS Matrix  in order to compare existing qualifications in the cleaning services sector, define a shared competence Matrix declined in units of learning outcomes (areas of competences) and steps of development (levels) of the competences on the basis of complexity of knowledge and skills, autonomy and responsibility, related to activities included in the Matrix; to define Guidelines, and related procedures, for the completion of a flexible and modular qualification pathway based on the Matrix, including criteria and standards for the assessment, transfer, validation and accumulation of learning outcomes achieved in formal, informal and non-formal contexts, according to Professional regulations and Guidelines for Validating learning existing in Switzerland and in the partner countries (including means for gaining complementary learning needed for achieving a whole qualification); to develop operational partnerships involving stakeholders and key actors of the above mentioned sector, in order to test and consolidate units and assessment procedures (Guidelines) in the framework of adults qualification pathways (based on validation of prior learning outcomes interlaced with formal training modules and workplace learning opportunities); to implement tools to disseminate the results of the project: a and a French weblog:

    The resources and documentation freely available by iriv on its website are protected by copy rights (under the French Law of the Code of Intellectual property of the 1st of July). They are meant to a private use. A collective or commercial use is not allowed without the authorisation of our Institute

    • iriv avec ECAP
    • mars 2014
    • Bénédicte Halba
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  • Guide Allinhe- VAE pour les migrants

    At the initiative of INHOLLAND University, this project is part of the Lifelong Learning programme, a Erasmus project (Higher Education). Eight European countries are associated: Netherlands (leader), Denmark, Finland, the United Kingdom, France, Romania, Slovenia and Switzerland; and a third country, South Korea. The objective of the project is to suggest a new methodological approach of VPL which includes all students, regardless of their social or ethnic origin in higher education, in particular three groups still under-represented in the VPL process: the 50+, the disabled and migrants.

    The resources and documentation freely available by iriv on its website are protected by copy rights (under the French Law of the Code of Intellectual property of the 1st of July). They are meant to a private use. A collective or commercial use is not allowed without the authorisation of our Institute

    • iriv avec Université Inholland
    • mars 2014
    • Bénédicte Halba
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  • Valoriser les acquis de l'expérience bénévole (VAEB) à ARIA

    A portfolio is an organised collection of materials that presents and verifies skills and knowledge acquired through experience. It is of particular relevance to validating non‑formal and informal learning because it allows the individual candidate to contribute actively to the collection of evidence and also offers a mix of approaches strengthening the overall validity of the process. This is confirmed by the fact that many        countries have introduced the portfolio  as a central element in their validation approaches (CEDEFOP, 2009)


    The porfolio designed is meant to be used by any female volunteer who could ony justify a voluntary experience to express it in terms of competence to enhance her chances on the labour market. The project was conducted together with the Association de Réflexion, d'Information et d'Accueil des familles de militaires en activité (ARIA) as a way to make the link between a voluntary work and a paid work. This pilot project was meant to identify, value and assess knowledge and know-how acquired through a voluntary experience, in the field of an association, ARIA , dedicated to the families of military staff'. It has identified both general and technical skills . It answered the needs for recognition and valorisation of their skills expressed by volunteers, to recognize volunteering as a form of informal learning.

    The resources and documentation freely available by iriv on its website are protected by copy rights (under the French Law of the Code of Intellectual property of the 1st of July). They are meant to a private use. A collective or commercial use is not allowed without the authorisation of our Institute

    • iriv & ARIA
    • juin 2006
    • Bénédicte Halba
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  • Valoriser les acquis de l'expérience bénévole (VAEB)

    A portfolio is an organised collection of materials that presents and verifies skills and knowledge acquired through experience. It is of particular relevance to validating non‑formal and informal learning because it allows the individual candidate to contribute actively to the collection of evidence and also offers a mix of approaches strengthening the overall validity of the process. This is confirmed by the fact that many        countries have introduced the portfolio  as a central element in their validation approaches (CEDEFOP, 2009). The Vaeb project designed a portfolio to value the skills & competences acquired thanks to a volunteering on the labour market; and  a guide for professionals working with the volunteers and in the professional integration field. The project Vaeb consisted in : a statement of the recognition of voluntary work in each of the 7 countries and the kind of training proposed by professionals to volunteers and the qualifications they require ; a synthesis of the main skills and qualifications developed in the voluntary activities and the ways and tools to identify them for professionals ; a proposal and experimentation of validation for these skills and qualifications in the short term for the associations, in the long term for their partners (public and private sectors..). The VAEB project was awarded in 2006 in Helsinki for excellent practice in addressing the priorities of the Copenhagen process and promoting an enhanced European cooperation in Vocational Education and Training (VET)

    The resources and documentation freely available by iriv on its website are protected by copy rights (under the French Law of the Code of Intellectual property of the 1st of July). They are meant to a private use. A collective or commercial use is not allowed without the authorisation of our Institute

  • Valoriser les acquis des élus locaux (VA2EL)

    A portfolio is an organised collection of materials that presents and verifies skills and knowledge acquired through experience. It is of particular relevance to validating non‑formal and informal learning because it allows the individual candidate to contribute actively to the collection of evidence and also offers a mix of approaches strengthening the overall validity of the process. This is confirmed by the fact that many           countries have introduced the portfolio  as a central element in their validation approaches (CEDEFOP, 2009). The project " Valuing Education and Experience for Local councillors in Europe " (VA2EL) has designed a portfolio, available through Internet (e-portfolio) for local councillors to help them identify and value the specific skills and competences acquired through their elected experience together with a handbook to use it on the labour market. The e-portfolio will also identify required training to enhance and improve them, and/or will think of a real validation (with a diploma) in the perspective of a professional insertion. Local councillors need a specific accompaniment to value and enhance the formal, non formal and informal learning they are experiencing. The choice of a portfolio for voluntary managers as a basis for the transfer of innovation is explained by the proximity of the tasks to be fulfilled by both local councillors and voluntary managers (pathways between associative functions and elective functions are numerous).

    The resources and documentation freely available by iriv on its website are protected by copy rights (under the French Law of the Code of Intellectual property of the 1st of July). They are meant to a private use. A collective or commercial use is not allowed without the authorisation of our Institute


    • iriv avec l'Instiut national du développement local (INDL)
    • décembre 2009
    • Bénédicte Halba
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  • Bénévolat & compétences

    A portfolio is an organised collection of materials that presents and verifies skills and knowledge acquired through experience. It is of particular relevance to validating non‑formal and informal learning because it allows the individual candidate to contribute actively to the collection of evidence and also offers a mix of approaches strengthening the overall validity of the process. This is confirmed by the fact that many           countries have introduced the portfolio  as a central element in their validation approaches (CEDEFOP, 2009). The iriv together with Animafac adapted the Vaeb portfolio to the special profile of students and to open the ction plan to a University cursus or any professional experienc.  The main goal is to identify and value together with the students the competences acquired thanks to a volunteering in training them to describe their experience and to express it in terms of competences to enrich their resume, a letter of motivation or a professional interview

    The resources and documentation freely available by iriv on its website are protected by copy rights (under the French Law of the Code of Intellectual property of the 1st of July). They are meant to a private use. A collective or commercial use is not allowed without the authorisation of our Institute

    • iriv avec Animafac
    • juin 2011
    • Bénédicte Halba
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  • Valoriser les acquis buissonniers (VAB)

    A portfolio is an organised collection of materials that presents and verifies skills and knowledge acquired through experience. It is of particular relevance to validating non‑formal and informal learning because it allows the individual candidate to contribute actively to the collection of evidence and also offers a mix of approaches strengthening the overall validity of the process. This is confirmed by the fact that many countries have introduced the portfolio  as a central element in their validation approaches (CEDEFOP, 2009).The main aims and objectives of the VAB project was to build a pedagogical tool for teachers/trainers working at the University, a portfolio, to identify, assess and integrate in their global evaluation the skills and competences developed by students beyond the University ; this portfolio for teachers/trainers will be usable for identifying and assessing the non-formal and informal learning of their students/trainees; to develop a digital pedagogial tool, an e-portfolio, on this basis thanks to a virtual tutoring for the teachers/trainers (a smart assistant) ;to propose an e-training course for the teachers/trainers in order to use this pedagogical tool ; andto develop a portal meant to access the e-portfolio and e-training.

    The resources and documentation freely available by iriv on its website are protected by copy rights (under the French Law of the Code of Intellectual property of the 1st of July). They are meant to a private use. A collective or commercial use is not allowed without the authorisation of our Institute

    • iriv avec Univsersité d'Evry Val d'Essonne (UEVE)
    • septembre 2011
    • Bénédicte Halba
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  • Tremplin Migrant(e)s

    A portfolio is an organised collection of materials that presents and verifies skills and knowledge acquired through experience. It is of particular relevance to validating non‑formal and informal learning because it allows the individual candidate to contribute actively to the collection of evidence and also offers a mix of approaches strengthening the overall validity of the process. This is confirmed by the fact that many           countries have introduced the portfolio  as a central element in their validation approaches (CEDEFOP, 2009). The portfolio designed under the Tremplin Migrant(e)s project should both value the existing voluntary experience and to enhance a voluntary involvement among female migrants.  Its aims is to change the perspectives: migrants are no more considered as "publics" but as main "actors" in the associations.

    The resources and documentation freely available by iriv on its website are protected by copy rights (under the French Law of the Code of Intellectual property of the 1st of July). They are meant to a private use. A collective or commercial use is not allowed without the authorisation of our Institute

    • iriv avec Autremonde
    • juin 2011
    • Bénédicte Halba
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  • Migrapass

    A portfolio is an organised collection of materials that presents and verifies skills and knowledge acquired through experience. It is of particular relevance to validating non‑formal and informal learning because it allows the individual candidate to contribute actively to the collection of evidence and also offers a mix of approaches strengthening the overall validity of the process. This is confirmed by the fact that many countries have introduced the portfolio  as a central element in their validation approaches (CEDEFOP, 2009). The Migrapass portfolio aims to identify and value professional experience acquire in their native country (often ignored in the host countries), the non formal and informal learning (such as a voluntary involvement for instance in migrants shelter) but also to value the unique competence linked to the expatriation  (leaving a native country, living and working in a foreign country). The professional profile of migrant publis is so enriched by unique competences most required on a changing labour market where abilities to adapt and mobility are key assets in a professional career.

    The resources and documentation freely available by iriv on its website are protected by copy rights (under the French Law of the Code of Intellectual property of the 1st of July). They are meant to a private use. A collective or commercial use is not allowed without the authorisation of our Institute

    • iriv avec Autremonde
    • decembre 2012
    • Bénédicte Halba
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  • Portfolio Schola

    Early school leaving (ESL) is an obstacle to economic growth and employment. It hampers productivity and competitiveness, and fuels poverty and social exclusion. Young people who leave education and training prematurely are bound to lack skills and qualifications, and to face serious, persistent problems on the labour market. Tackling early school leaving is a stepping stone towards improving the opportunities of young people and for supporting smart, sustainable and inclusive growth. (EC, 2013). The struggle against early school leaving (ESL) has become a main priority of EU countries especially in the “Strategy Europe 2000”. It combines prevention and mediation focusing on a main goal: each youngster should be able to have all chances to build a future and therefore to succeed in life. It is a main concern for achieving social cohesion and a fair educational system. Involving all the members of the Educative community, in close relationship with local authorities and professionals, should allow to offer alternative solutions to each youngster facing difficulty at school. In order to struggle against ESL, extra-curricular activities have been offered outside school, mainly in sensitive urban areas (suburbs, areas characterized by high level of unemployment, single parents, high level of drop outs). Children and youngsters are proposed different kinds of activities allowing them to learn a language, mathematics or any other discipline through games or social activities. The idea , in complement to school, is to give self -confidence and hope to youngsters who feel lost and abandoned by school. These activities combine different profiles of "educators"- teachers (at school) work in close relation with volunteers and paid professionals. As a result, diverse pedagogical approaches , different but complementary, have been implemented. This alternative approach may re-engage youngsters who might face difficulties at school to find their way back to school by testing other pedagogical methods with adults (professionals in associations or local authorities) who are not supposed to assess their work but to support them in improving the assessment they will receive at school. This "detour strategy" has been enhanced in educative activities offered outside school (through games, sport, cultural activities...) to bridge the gap between informal and non-formal learning (outside school) and formal learning (at school).

    The Schola  is a pioneer European project (Erasmus +, 2016- 2018) focused on Volunteering as an alternative pedagogy to re-engage youngsters who might be faced to ESL. The Schola project aims at designing tools and methods for professionals -teachers at school and educators outside school- in order to support them to be able to identify and assess the skills and competences acquired and/or to be developed by youngsters through a volunteering and therefore to support their work among youngsters facing difficulties at school or already early school leavers and so be able to combat efficently Early school leaving (ESL). The project will be carried out transnationally as the outputs of the PISA study have proved the useful impact of transnational comparison to promote and implement educative policies. The Schola gathers countries with different educative backgrounds where non formal and informal learning is differently taken into account such as France and Belgium where some efforts have been made to enhance non formal and informal learning (at least among adults) and Poland, Italy or Slovenia where formal learning is still the main reference for assessing learning outcomes of pupils/students.

    The resources and documentation freely available by iriv on its website are protected by copy rights (under the French Law of the Code of Intellectual property of the 1st of July). They are meant to a private use. A collective or commercial use is not allowed without the authorisation of our Institute

    • iriv avec Collège Blaise Pascal
    • octobre 2018
    • Bénédicte Halba
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  • MiFamily

    Children in migrant families are key actors in the process of integration as they are frequently called upon to bridge language and cultural gaps in understanding between members of the host community and their own families. Both teachers and migrant families are most concerned by migrant students´ success at school. The more their parents are aware of the importance of education and understand the school system the better they are equipped to support their children at school as underlined by PISA studies. Even though migrant parents have high expectations for their children, they are faced with many obstacles – mainly language and social barriers or low understanding of the host country’s system of schooling. Lack of time or money to invest in their child´s education maybe a major issue in disadvantaged areas even though alternative solutions, based on voluntary initiatives (free service) are offered by many associations, with community volunteers, endeavor to support children and there are various degrees of public support within school- many EU projects have underlined this point especially in the School education field. Therefore, the MiFamily approach presents a win-win situation: for professionals, this is an opportunity to involve migrant parents in the “formal” education of their children; for migrant families, they can be better equipped by means of non-formal and informal learning to support their children’s progress through the host country’s education system thanks to the innovative approach of the family learning process. This MiFamily tool is aimed at designing a training curriculum addressing teachers, school leaders and educators from organisations with migrants for providing a relevant support to migrant parents.

    MiFamily Tool for Understanding Family Education explains the approach to consider for conducting family education with families of foreign origin. The three-step approach proposed by iriv conseil explains the different phases to be applied by professionals in order to be able to successfully support parents of foreign origin to better understand the education system and thus be able to help their children at school.

    The resources and documentation freely available by iriv on its website are protected by copy rights (under the French Law of the Code of Intellectual property of the 1st of July). They are meant to a private use. A collective or commercial use is not allowed without the authorisation of our Institute

    • iriv avec NRCSE
    • juin 2018
    • Bénédicte Halba
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  • Portfolio REVALUE

    The  REVaLUE portfolio is called “REStArT”- a toolkit to assess formal, non-formal and informal knowledge, competence and skills as well as the education level of migrants. It is the result of different tools and guides already designed to support migrants in their transition in the labour market. It addresses professionals - both migrant service providers and job counsellors - to determine an experience, an education level and a master of competence and to assess knowledge, competence & skills of migrants, including formal, informal and non-formal learning. This tool has been designed and tested among professionals and migrants (Cité des Métiers, Paris, September to December 2017) before being dispatched among the ReValue team to be tested in the 5 countries of the project: Italy, France, Hungary, United Kingdom and Germany (2018). The testing had a double purpose: trialing the toolkit efficiency together with a first draft for potential user;being used for designing a more realistic resume (CV) & career plan to support their job search and career development for migrants.

    The resume (CV) resulting from the ReStart toolkit should better reflect migrants’ knowledge, competence and skills, providing employers with more detailed, more efficient and validated information. The resume (CV) should be “certified” by the project partners- Erifo & Programma Integra (Italy), iriv Conseil & FISPE (France), Ashley and Rinova (UK) and Jovokerek (Hungary), to guarantee the truthfulness and the quality of the information provided. The purpose is to overcome cultural barriers and prevent any skepticism from potential employers when they receive the candidacy from a migrant.Therefore the ReValue approach appears as a win-win situation: for professionals, this is an opportunity to test the tool and to make any necessary adjustment; for migrants , they improve their opportunities to find an employment more appropriate with their skills, experience and competences

    The resources and documentation freely available by iriv on its website are protected by copy rights (under the French Law of the Code of Intellectual property of the 1st of July). They are meant to a private use. A collective or commercial use is not allowed without the authorisation of our Institute

    • iriv avec Erifo
    • septembre 2018
    • Bénédicte Halba
    • Learn more

  • Outil & méthode pour identifer compétences acquises par Education à l'Opéra

    The EducOpera (Erasmus + , 2017-2019) means to struggle against Early School Leaving (ESL) through the acquisition of skills & competences by the means of Education to Opera. To achieve this aim, it intends to design 3 main intellectual outputs: a tool & method (IO1) to identify and assess the competences acquired by teenagers thanks to an education to music in general and Opera in particular which might be relevant skills & competences required at school ; a training for professionals (IO2) - educators being trained to this pedagogical & innovative approach to enrich their professional practice and being able to use the IO1 in their assessment ; and a guidance for professionals in order for them to be able to explain the EducOpera approach to other teachers/educators (at school and outside school) teaching musical education (IO3) making the link with the struggle against Early School Leaving (ESL) ; learning to learn making the link between formal, non-formal and informal learning.

    The resources and documentation freely available by iriv on its website are protected by copy rights (under the French Law of the Code of Intellectual property of the 1st of July). They are meant to a private use. A collective or commercial use is not allowed without the authorisation of our Institute

    • iriv avec Opera de Massy
    • decembre 2018
    • Bénédicte Halba
    • Learn more

  • MigrActrices

    Initiated by iriv with Assfam and Adel, the MigrActrices project has developed a training program responding to the problems of integration and professional training and the mobilization of local actors of social and economic integration which is aimed at to migrant women. This project was tested in three territories, iriv was responsible for Seine et Marne (Ile de France).

    The resources and documentation freely available by iriv on its website are protected by copy rights (under the French Law of the Code of Intellectual property of the 1st of July). They are meant to a private use. A collective or commercial use is not allowed without the authorisation of our Institute

  • Guide créativité & diversité

    In terms of diversity, Europe has played a key role on several levels. It has adopted a motto that promotes diversity within its "United in Diversity" - "in varietate concordia", which has become a cross-cutting (or horizontal) priority of the European Erasmus programme, such as equal opportunities and social inclusion. The Think Diverse! provides a basis for continuing education for adults accompanying young people (regardless of their profile) who work in multicultural environments, a key feature of modern societies. In western democracies, the notion of diversity is essential. Its respect is an indicator to measure the democratic level of a society. In the European Union, democratic principles (universalism, justice for all, equality, civil liberties, etc.) must be respected. The spirit of the Think Diverse project is to use creativity and creative skills as a human resources management tool, with a multidisciplinary approach combining economics, management, law, history, sociology, psychology. You have to be creative to avoid misinterpretations and hasty conclusions on a subject as sensitive as diversity while using your own difference (related to your profile, gender, sexual orientation, culture, religion...) to successfully integrate socially and to progress professionally. Creativity is the competence of the 21st century to be able to adapt to a future full of uncertainties - war, pandemic, climate disasters.

    The resources and documentation freely available by iriv on its website are protected by copy rights (under the French Law of the Code of Intellectual property of the 1st of July). They are meant to a private use. A collective or commercial use is not allowed without the authorisation of our Insitute


    • iriv avec Neotalentway and Skill up
    • avril 2023