diversity & religion

Religious diversity, and the necessary interreligious dialogue, should be placed in a more general framework taking into account several elements (without hierarchy). The first one is religious pluralism, with its history and evolution in Europe. The second element is religious freedom, a public freedom like freedom of expression that allows the "right to blasphemy". The third element is secularism consecrated in France by the law of 1905, but evoked since the Enlightenment and the principle of universalism. Secularism and religious freedom imply the right for not believing and/or being able to criticize religions (freedom of expression) provided that the words are not offensive towards believers, which would be an insult or a defamation. Another element is the interreligious dialogue promoted, for example by the Catholic Church since the Vatican II Council (1962-1965) which enhanced an exchange between the different branches of Christianity (with ecumenism) and condemned the denigration and the contempt for other religions in religious education, especially Judaism. This development, and this awareness, were important after the unprecedented tragedy in human history represented by the assassination of six million Europeans, because of their religion, during the World War II(Shoah). Many of the proposed concepts are linked to this tragedy which made it possible to define the concepts of crimes against humanity, genocide, mass killings or summary executions.
Public policies to combat discrimination linked to religion in France(with the creation of a platform) and in Europe mainly concern religious minorities. They are measured every year in France in order to be able to adapt and change public policies to the new hate speeches that are developing with social networks which have led to the worst - figures on anti-religious acts published by the Ministry of the Interior; barometer on tolerance published by the CNCDH. Thanks to this measure of intolerance towards religions (mainly minority religions) or people culturally associated with these religions, actions can be taken. Several examples of interfaith dialogue, including open, tolerant and ecumenical religious education programs have been offered in France and Europe since World War II. There are also examples of good practice: in France with the progress made in respectful religious education open to interreligious dialogue; in France ; the example of the city of Sarajevo during the Balkans war in Bosnia-Herzegovina (1992-1995) allowed collaboration between religious communities (Jewish and Muslim); or the Elijah Institute in Jerusalem (created in 1997) which offers an original and innovative research and resource center, a place of exchange for the three major monotheistic religions (Judaism, Christianity and Islam) and for other spiritualities such as the Buddhism, Hinduism, or the Sikh religion ...


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